Leaky roofs must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise, they can rapidly worsen and become not only difficult to fix but costly.  Finding a leak in a roof can be tricky and it is the hardest part of fixing a leaky roof. This is because water can enter the roof in one place and run down to another before it soaks the ceiling or drip. Before you get panicky, know that repairing a minor roof leak can be quite simple and you may even do it yourself.

Before looking for leaks, remember you must check for signs of leaks on your roof if you experienced a natural disaster or any major weather event recently and have your property relatively unharmed. In the case of a major roof repair or you need any form of assistance, (business name) is here to help. Give us a call on (phone number).

10 Common Signs That you May Have A Leaky Roof

Before you go ahead to finding roof leaks, these 10 signs would give you a heads up to determine if you have a roof leak or not. You need to check the interior and exterior of your property for these signs.

  1. Unexplained dripping sounds inside your house
  2. Water stains on your ceilings; especially new ones that appeared after a major weather event.
  3. Drywall or paints looking moist or damp
  4. Interior paint bubbling and peeling during hard rains
  5. Damp spots on the ceiling, interior vent, and fireplaces
  6. Loose shingles laying around your property
  7. Roof rot or discolored shingles
  8. Growing moss or mold on exterior walls
  9. Cracked or damaged flashing around your roof vent
  10. Exposed nails or nails that look loosed on your roof

If you notice any of these signs then you should be ready to go for a quest and check your roof for leaks.

How to Find Roof Leaks

If you spotted one or more of the signs listed above and suspect you have a leak in your roof, you need to try some of these steps to help you find the leaks.

The first and easiest way to spot leaky roofs is by looking at the part of the roof from the top of the area where the stains are both from the interior and exterior of your home.

Look for penetrations around the plumbing, chimneys, roof vents, dormers, and other constructions that extend from the roof as they contribute to a high percentage of leaks in roofs.

Also look for penetrations, holes, or any visible damage to the roof from outside if you can. You need to know that roof leaks do not occur from the actual leak location. So ensure you examine the entire roof and not just the area around the apparent leak location.

Knowing the type of your roof may be helpful to find a roof leak. If you have an attic, the easiest way to spot a roof leak is to go up there with a flashlight. Look around for dampness as well as discolorations or marks that could have been made by moisture. If you don’t have an attic, you might need to go up on the roof or find another way to examine it.

Note that finding leaks in roof can be tricky and you may need to hire the service of a professional roof contractor.

How to Fix Leaks in Roofs

Before you go ahead with fixing roof leaks, you need to understand that no matter where the leak Is located, you shouldn’t try to fix them while it is raining. You can place a bucket under the drips and come back to fix it when the weather is clear.

It is best to patch roof leaks when the weather is drier and the repairs won’t be compromised by the rain. Once the weather is clear and you feel confident and comfortable you can fix the leak temporarily until you can get a roofing professional who can assist you. You can make use of some roofing tar, plywood, or spare shingles to make a temporary patch.

Roof leaks in vents may be complicated to fix. If you can’t find the source of the roof leaks but still experience drips, you should contact a roofing contractor.

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