How Much Does a New Roof Cost in Ireland?

A roof is one of the most crucial parts of any structure or building. That is why when anything goes wrong with the roof, it could wreck a lot of havoc in the home. Often time, homeowners seem to neglect this part of a building in spite of Its significance. A roof protects you from adverse weather condition (like a storm and heavy rainfall), keep you safe and warm.

Roof Replacement Cost Dublin

A good working roof stands as a defense between any building and the elements plus, is vital to the survival of a memorable building. It is incredibly difficult to estimate the exact cost of a new roof, but as a guideline starting price, you’ll want a budget of at least €3000, as the typical price range goes from €2500 to €50000+ dependent on project size and complexity. Learn more about asbestos removal costs in Ireland.



You wouldn’t like to go through rigorous frequent roof leak repairs, would you? Not only will a good roof bring succor to your worries but will as well save costs in the long run. To save you the stress of impending complication, invest in your roof! It is wise to install a high-quality roof through the use of skilled and competent experts. You stand the chance to reap these benefits:


  • Safety

Homeowners in Ireland should think about their safety when they want to install a roof in their homes. High-quality roofing materials guarantee safety.


  • Durability

Basically, the quality of roofing material largely determines the longevity of a roof hence, high-quality roofs are durable.


  • No leaks, No worries!

The quality of a roof is mostly tested during precipitation. More often than not, homeowners tend to be at risk while trying to save a few hundreds of bucks by going for cheapest bids. Poor roof installation results in leaks and roof failure. Ireland homeowners protect their properties and home from great damage when they get a well-functioning roof installed once and for all hence, no leaks at any time.


  • All-time attractive roof

Roofs have a great influence on the outside look of a home or building. In fact, the appearance and functionality of a roof have a way of influencing home buyers. Best aesthetics can be achieved in roofing materials such as natural slate and ceramic tiles.



  • It prevents costly repair and maintenance

A high-quality roof is a huge investment because homeowners do not have to repair their roof frequently. Roof repair and maintenance can be costly, if you think you got a good deal with a cheap bid then you’ll be shocked out of your bone when the roof is exposed to heavy falls and storm. You escape these headaches when you avoid the low-quality roof.



As a matter of fact, a tired, unattractive and old roof needs replacement because you end up spending hundreds of euros (even more) on repair and maintenance. Re-roofing your home would be a prudent decision so, if you are already experiencing any of these, then you should consider getting a new roof installed in your home.


  • A missing, cupped, curled or buckled shingles

Windstorms can tear shingles away while heavy hail causes damage by leaving holes through the shingles. When a significant number of shingles are missing, it compromises a roof by making it vulnerable to major water damage.


  • Leaks

when you notice the presence of moisture indoor after a downpour, it’s can be an indicator that you need a new roof. Leaks can be irritating because of its adverse effects on indoor properties.


  • Growth of mold or moss

Be on a lookout for growing thick mold or moss over a large area on shingles. It’s a sign of an old and damaged protective barrier of any home that requires a new roof.


  • Damaged chimney flashing

Basically, Chimney flashing is meant to prevent water from getting into your home but that use is abused when it is greatly damaged.


  • Aged and weak roof

Hailstone and windstorms have a way of shortening the life span of a roof. Virtually all homeowners crave a roof that would last for a long time but the adverse effect of bad weather takes a tone on it.


  • Interior damage

When you notice drip markings on interior walls you will detect that it damages the finishing work hence, paint deterioration.


  • Balding Shingles

Shingles can go ‘bald’ when they lose their granule coating. When you start to notice fragments of shingles in your gutters, it’s a pointer to a damaged shingle which could make your roof vulnerable to rotting.



When you are way too convinced that you need a new roof, the question will now be ‘what choice of roof should be made’? A variety of factors or elements are at interplay which helps to determine the characteristics of a roof. However, the significant ones are;

  • The construction
  • The materials
  • The durability

 The construction of a roof is dependent on the building layout that is, how space underneath is created. Another determinant is its method of support and whether or not is the roof pitched (the angle at which the roof surges from its lowest point to its peak).

For instance, pantiles can be unstable on a steeply pitched roof while thatched roof needs to be steeply pitched for durability whereas, a flat roof is suitable in places with low precipitation.

 The material of a roof can also influence our choice of roof. Before you pick roofing material for you home, make sure they are suitable for the climatic condition of your environment and for the structure of your house. Some materials can’t withstand the fluctuation of temperature which makes them vulnerable to cracks while material like concrete can be too heavy, making its installation complicating.

Roofing material is the external covering on the roof of any building, which can be self-supporting but majorly rest on an underlying structure. There is a wide range of roofing materials. They include;


  • Thatch (Water reed, commonly used in Ireland for Thatching. Others include raffia palm, seagrass, wheat straw, rye straw, and rice straw)
  • shingle (wood Shingle, shake shingle, slate roofs, asphalt, shingle rubber, asbestos, stone slab, etc). Slate is most widely used in Ireland for roofing. Naturally, slate is blue-black in colour but its shade varies from locality to locality.
  • Ceramic tiles (Dutch roof tiles, Bangalore tiles, Monk and Nun, Imbrex and Tegula).
  • Metal roofing (Corrugated galvanized iron, copper roofs, Stone coated metal, steel, etc).
  • Membrane roofing (thermoset membrane, Thermoplastics, etc)

Commercially available roofing material ranges from natural products such as thatch to slate and produced products such as tiles to polycarbonate sheeting.

The durability of a roof has to do with its longevity. The way you can easily change your doorknob, burglary and wardrobe when they go bad, a roof cannot be easily replaced in that way. This is because it cannot be easily accessed for repair and replacement when it is damaged and that is why it is meant to be installed in such a way that it should last for a longer period of time than other parts of a building.



Now might be the right time to get a new roof on that building. When you allow roof damage to linger for so long, problems can increase and the cost to be incurred can go up as well. A stitch in time saves nine, so they say! So, have you noticed some particles of shingles in your gutter? Are there drip marks on your walls? Do you experience leaks during a downpour? These are great pointers that your home needs re-roofing, delay can dangerous.



The cost of a new roof varies from place to place however, Series of variables can influence the cost of a new roof, among others, the major ones include;


  • Labour charges

The cost of labour plays a major role in the cost required to get a new roof installed. A professional installation will depend on the competition among roofing companies in a locality, the economic condition of such locality, liability Cost, cost incurred on waste disposal, employee compensation insurance and a host of others.


  • Cost of roofing materials

The size and type of material used during installation also play a vital role in the cost of a new roof. Installation of smaller tiles requires a longer time than bigger ones. Labour tends to be expensive in the installation of these smaller tiles hence, higher cost. Roofing materials, most importantly produced products are more expensive than natural products.


  • Level of complication during installation

Installation complexity influence the cost of a new roof in the sense that,  

-the size and pitch of a roof,

-the number of storey’s of a building,

-the accessibility of a roof,

-valleys, etc can pose difficulty during installation which in turn increases the cost of a new roof.

Have your roof inspected periodically by professionals. A frequent inspection helps homeowners to be aware of the shape that their roof is in.

When your roof looks like it has seen the better days or you perceive that it may not see another winter, why not consider re-roofing? At Home Improvements Dublin, we render excellent customer service with a hundred percent satisfaction. Learn more about why we’re the best roofing contractors Dublin.

How Much For A New Roof Ireland?

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